Overview: The following alphabet letter worksheets can be used with a variety of students--little ones or English language learners learning the alphabet, diverse learners, and emergent readers. These are large, outlined letters in landscape form. Use these letters as part of your "Letter of the Week" learning. Children can engage in simple fine motor activities to not only strengthen fine motor skills but begin learning how to recognize each letter shape and their sound.
Recommended Grade Level(s): Preschool, Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten
Fine motor activities for using these alphabet letters include:
- coloring (make an art connection by using primary colors, various shades of one color, or by making patterns)
- shading (use a white crayon to color in a letter, color over with a black crayon, and then use a Q-Tip with the end cut off to scratch/trace the letter
- stamping (the actual letter or pictures of items that begin with that letter)
- place printed copy of the letter in a plastic sheet (or laminate) then allow students to trace and practice writing each letter with a dry erase marker
- Play-Doh--place printed copy of the letter in a plastic sheet (or laminate) then allow students to form each letter with Play-Doh
- use a handheld hole punch to outline each letter
- print letters on heavy paper, glue strips of delicate grit sandpaper to letter, have students trace letters with their fingers
- using alphabet stickers (or those with pictures that represent that letter) to fill the letter
- using a dauber
- using a small roller to cover the letter (some rollers have stamps built-in them--locate one that matches the letter)
- gluing objects to the letter (e.g. cheerios, hearts, stars, etc.)
- gluing additional pieces to the letter to resemble and animal that starts with that letter (for letter A, color green, glue on white triangles on the inner part of the letter to form an alligator's head)
- letter match (stick a copy of the letter on a metal surface and match magnetic letters or pictures to the letter)
- make a puzzle--print letter on heavy paper, students color the letter, cut out the letter to form big or small pieces (depending on ability level) and have students piece together
- print multiple letters for students to manipulate and spell their name, put in ABC order, and/or sort according to how they look (e.g. "Frog Jump" letters can be colored or painted green)
Recommended Grade Level(s): Toddler, Preschool, Pre-K, Kindergarten, ELL
Common Core Alignment:
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.K.1.D Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
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