Overview: The 5 W's Graphic Organizer assists students in determining and organizing the key points of a story--who, what, why, when, where, and sometimes "how" is also included. Below, you will find charts that feature both. Students can use these charts to analyze a variety of genres and topics.
Recommended Garde Level(s): Kindergarten, First, Second, Third
5 W's Chart Graphic Organizer 1--Five rows with the words "What? Why? Who? When? and Where?".
5 W's Chart Graphic Organizer 2--Five rows with the questions "What happened? Who was there? Why did it happen? When did it happen? and Where did it happen?".
5 W's Chart Graphic Organizer 3--Six rows with the words "What? Why? Who? When? Where? and How?".
5 W's Chart Graphic Organizer 4--Six rows with the questions "What happened? Who was there? Why did it happen? When did it happen? Where did it happen?" and How did it happen?".