Are you ready to have access to hundreds of teacher resources?

Whether you are a classroom teacher, a resource teacher, or a homeschooling parent, Lesson Plan Source has got you covered! We specialize in providing high-quality teaching materials for teachers of students in grades preschool through third grade. As a Lesson Plan Source member, you will have access to a variety of teaching tools to make learning easy and fun.

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Here's what you get...

Comprehensive lesson plans. We currently offer lesson plans for foundational subjects (language arts, math, and science), social studies, and art. Our lesson plans are written with thoroughness in mind to make the material accessible for both teacher and student. Our lessons follow a specific outline, which always includes: an overview, recommended grade level(s), objective(s), materials, anticipatory set, direct instruction, guided instruction, independent practice, and assessment. In addition, many of our lessons also include possible modifications,/adaptations, extensions, and the standards addressed.

Simple, yet engaging worksheets. Our worksheets provide a clean design with just enough visually-appealing graphics and information to get the job done. We believe worksheets should be straightforward and not frilly. Worksheets with a lot of  "noise" can be distracting and overwhelming for diverse learners, young learners, and emergent readers. By providing simple worksheets that target a skill or concept, we accommodate all learners.

Teaching diagrams. No need to search for visuals or a bunch of supplemental materials to reinforce what is being taught, they are already provided. Many of our lesson plans provide most everything you need to implement like a Boss.

Differentiated instruction. Lesson Plan Source has a growing number of materials that allow teachers to differentiate instruction for students at different age levels and with different abilities. This is offered through leveled books and worksheets. Many of our lessons also offer a "Possible Modifications/Adaptations" section in which we actually suggest ways to teach the lesson and use the materials in a different way.

Teacher created, kid-approved. All of the resources found on Lesson Plan Source have been written and reviewed by an experienced,  certified teacher and have been used in either a classroom or homeschool setting with real students.